Memory Test (Dementia)
Does your memory loss affect your daily activities?
Make it difficult to remember where you are?
Stop you from doing things you normally do?
1. Why do we do it?
To detect memory problems earlier through our memory tests. We will also provide solutions to ensure your needs are fulfilled and you are able to live independently.
2. What is dementia?
Dementia is not one single illness but rather a name for a collection of symptoms, which are caused by changes in how the brain is working. There are many different types of dementia; the most common is Alzheimer’s disease and the second most common type is vascular dementia.
3. What are the different causes of memory and/or cognitive problems?
There are many different reasons why people start to have problems with their memory and/or other cognitive disabilities.
Tiredness, work and life-related stresses, depression, excessive alcohol consumption, physical health problems and the side effects of some medications can all cause people to have problems with their memories/cognitive disabilities.
Having memory and/or cognitive problems can be because of a condition called dementia
4. Why with us?
Cognitive assessment tools are used to screen for early dementia, however many of these tools are not tailored for the educational and cultural setting in Asia. We ensure maximum effectiveness by only using assessment tools validated by researchers across multiple Asian languages and countries to provide the most suitable service to our aging Malaysian population.
Our memory test service uses specially made cognitive screening tools that are fully validated and adapted for the Malaysian aging population.
The assessment questions and techniques are adapted for our local educational and cultural setting, making it easier to understand by our Malaysian population. On top of that,our test was used as a screening tool for dementia in the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2018: Elderly Health, conducted by Institute for Public Health Malaysia.
ACT4Health is a spin-off company of the University of Malaya and the business arm of the Ageing and Age-associated Disorders Research Group, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. Founded in 2017, provides conducive venue for clinical research as well as delivery of evidence-based test & therapy and interdisciplinary training &
education to help our clients strive towards healthy ageing.
The assessment will be conducted in ACT4Health centre, which
provides a conducive venue and setting to conduct the assessment.
Education center in Petaling Jaya
Address: 11, Jalan 19/29, Seksyen 19, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
For an effective virtual session, you require a stable internet connection, quietplace, proper lighting conditions, headphone/earphone, and good camera angle.
The trained Assessor will begin the session when everything is properly setup and provide you with the consultation at the of the session.
6. How long is the process?
The duration of the therapy depends on your performance. On average it will be about one hour to one and a half hour
7. Flow of the service & Device involved?
There are four components to the standard assessment process.
Pre-assessment counselling to ensure you understand the reason for the assessment, the possible outcomes and most importantly that you agree to continue with the assessment.
Assessment, which involves asking you, and also someone who knows you well, a lot of questions about your current memory/ cognitive problems and how these affect you in everyday life. We usually complete a short paper and pencil test with you.
Feedback of the assessment outcome in accordance with your wishes.
- Memory test - A set of three memory test will be conducted
- History Taking - with client/person being assessed
- History Taking - with family members/carer
- Consultation - Consultation will be given based on your result. Further action will be suggested.
- Referral letter (if needed)- will be sent email in 3 working days