iElder.asia reaches out to Aged Care Homes in protecting the Elderly
#KitaJagaKita has become a buzzword now amongst us all Malaysians as the daily Covid-19 cases in Malaysia are still rising and continues to wreak havoc within the nation. No one knows how long this pandemic will last and the effect this will have on the global population. Over the last year we have seen how the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges and a disproportionate threat to humanity, especially to the lives of our elderly who are at a higher risk of the infection living under circumstances where even observing physical distancing within their confined spaces has become a challenge.
Yes- we are aware, and it has become clear that the aged care homes are ill-equipped to stop the spread of the virus, lacking the resources to do so. Even charity and non-profit organisations are running low on funds to alleviate the burdens of the under-deserved communities as these groups have grown in number over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. What they lack are a constant supply of the basic personal protective equipment (PPE) and the essential items like masks, sanitizers, and disinfectants to tide them through.
An estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people aged above 65 live in care homes or nursing homes in Malaysia, while there are about 8,000 elderly care home workers. The situation is more serious than most of us realize, as aged care homes are considered potential high-risk, super-spreader clusters of the virus. Whilst we wait for our vaccination shots to take place, we need to take steps to prevent further breakouts at these aged care facilities.
The homes need our help, and the inmates need to be protected. They need a constant supply of anti-covid essentials, such as facemasks, hand sanitizers and disinfectants to tide them through this difficult period. We at Elder.asia decided to do our part in alleviating the financial hardship faced by these aged care homes and immediately launched a unique Charity Gift card initiative as part of one of our corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) projects. We requested generous donors for their support across Malaysia, by donating in the form of our Charity Gift Cards.” The donations would be used to send the Covid-19 essentials to the homes who signed up for this initiative at subsidized rates.
It was a simple process which enabled the kind donors to select the amount they wished to donate to send Covid-19 essentials to the Aged Care Homes. Sparing a thought for the elderly who are going through difficult times is one way we are committed in giving back to the community and by involving the kind donations from the public is all part of our Malaysian values. This is Why, we do what we do - the effort is great and will definitely lead to a safe and secure environment to the elderly inmates of our Homes.
For old folks home operators, kindly apply if you are keen to get covid relief kit at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeN-E95__tJGUvONjA4gD56zlUdInz40zG-_Rz1GX6i9GyGZQ/viewform
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