[July 2022 Webinar] Awareness Talk: Living Well, Dying Well- Improving End of Life Care for Patients and Families

Living Well, Dying Well - Improving End of Life Care for Patients and Families
Imagine a situation where your doctor takes you aside, and gives you the bad news: Your loved one has less than a year left to live. What would you do?
Coming face to face with the unkind reality about the end of one's life can be emotionally distressing, not just for the patient, but for their loved ones as well. Most people would not know what to do, what steps to take, or even what to think.
Palliative care aims to lift the emotional burden and improve the quality of life for the patient and any of their loved ones involved. It eases family members into the process of accepting that the end of one's life is natural, and provides kind instruction on the things family members can do to make the patient's end-of-life experience better, in a meaningful way.
This talk will address stress management for caretakers and family members, by providing helpful tips and new perspectives on the end-of-life journey, based on real experiences in sharing sessions provided by experienced professionals in palliative care.
Event Details (Tentative)
Date: 30 July 2022, Saturday
Time: 3pm
Location: Zoom
Medium: English
Registration: here
Limited seats, first come first served basis
Audience: Nurses, Care Giver who has palliative patients, nursing home and many more
3.00pm: Welcome Remarks by Dato' Vincent Ng, Chairman, Nursing Care Association Selangor (NCAS)
3.05pm Hospice Care Tips by Dr Siti Munirah Ibrahim, Hospice doctor, Kasih Hospice Foundation
3.35pm Experiences from Past Caregivers' Stress Journeys by Sister N. Thurgadevi, Managing Director of Lotus Ville Senior Care Centre
She will share Singapore and Australia's palliative care experience and tips to handle stress management.
3.50pm Complimentary Medicine (TCM) on Palliative Care by Dr Kong Why Hong, Managing Director, Asian Integrated Medical Sdn Bhd (AIM Healthcare)
4.15pm Q&A (Lucky Draw if there is any)
4.30pm End
Organizer Profile:
Nursing Care Association Selangor (NCAS)
Nursing Care Association Selangor (NCAS) is a non-profit NGO established in Malaysia on 30 Jan 2015 as a platform & voice for all the nursing care establishments in Malaysia & committed to create a Caring Society for the elderly.
Supporting Organizations:
We are a non-governmental organization with a not-for-profit philosophy and our services are free of charge. We are recognized as a hospice service provider by public and private hospitals in Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding region.
We assist people in maintaining control over their pain and symptoms, and provide home visitation service for people with life-limiting illness. We support people of all belief systems on a non-denominational and non-discriminatory basis.
The Malaysian Coalition on Ageing (MCOA) is the enabling platform for public, private and civil society partnerships and to promote inter-sectoral cooperation and collaboration to improve the delivery of products and services for the older persons.
Speaker Profile:
Dr Kong Why Hong
Dr Kong Why Hong is one of the elite few medical practitioners in Malaysia known as an Integrative Doctor who has a combined qualification, knowledge and experience of both, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and modern medicine. He graduated as a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) physician in the Guangzhou University of TCM (China) in 1998 and in 2010, completed his medical degree at the Crimea State Medical University (Ukraine).
Dr Siti Noor Munirah Ibrahim
Dr Munirah graduated as a Family Medicine/GP Specialist in the UK and developed a special interest in community palliative care. She has experience as a hospice doctor in UK and Malaysia and is passionate about improving awareness and access to these valuable services for all patients and families who should benefit from them.
Ms Thurgadevi is Managing Director for Lotus Ville Care Center in Johor. She has more than 10 years experience in Palliative Care in Singapore and Australia.
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