Located on nearly 50 acres of land in Semenyih, Harmony Hill Home is a peaceful, tranquil, and happy home for the elderly. That was the impression I got when I first arrived at this massive four-story courtyard-style building. Thanks to the funding from Yayasan Sin Chew, Harmony Hill Homes finished its construction last year 2022.
It is an elderly care center that gave me the sense of when I first walk into a temple. To emphasize on what I mean, it gave me a feeling of Zen; A peaceful, harmony feeling. Why? Because the volunteers here at Harmony Hill Home match the overall feel of the place as they dedicate their time and wholeheartedly put themselves in their volunteer work here!
The funding that was provided by Yayasan Sin Chew was generated through a donation drive. I very much appreciate them for building such an amazing care home for the Senior Malaysian Community. After reviewing so many senior care homes in person, I realized how most ones were dull, lifeless and small. In comparison to those lifeless care homes, Harmony Hill Home feels homely and welcoming to all seniors and retirees.

Its double courtyard design provides an efficient built form that allows the residents to circulate freely and enjoy the gardens and views to the surrounding hills. Ageing-in-place principles enable residents of various care levels and support needs to be accommodated in a non-institutional environment.
It has been special to Yayasan Sin Chew because it helps set a new standard for the assisted living industry in Malaysia and contributes a tangible benefit to the community.

Harmony Hill Home's courtyard-style dwelling is located in the suburbs, well-equipped and surrounded by a pleasant, clean and fresh welcoming environment which encourages all their guests to live a quality of life and to take it day by day.

One glance at the directory and I was immediately amazed by how it was arranged. For the first, second, and third floors, there were four living sectors with their own assigned names and colors. This can help the elderly memorize which floor they live on.

To showcase how it works from the image above, these are doors on the first floor! If the elderly is to forget which room they belong to, they merely have to look at the bright red flower next to the large numbers just to remember that they belong to Bunga Kosmos.
The inside of the rooms is just as amazing. I quite like its minimalistic interior design.

It is 2 people per room. Should one person want privacy while in their beds, they can just pull the curtains to separate them from their roommates. First impression, the room is quite spacious and well-lit thanks to its big windows. There is plenty of room for an individual to do their own respective activities too!
Though some rooms are more special than others. This room lacks the wall separating them from the other room, but Harmony Hill Home has a justifiable reason for this design.
They explained to me that the wall was left out because of toilet sharing issues. If one elderly were to occupy the toilet when the other roommate needs it, they can simply head to the other side of the room and use their toilet without having to go out and knock on their door to ask.
Speaking of bathrooms, they had installed motion sensor lights near the entrance in the event that the elderly has to use the bathroom in the dark. It could come in handy especially if they do not want to turn on the lights and disturb someone else's rest.

Just outside the bedrooms, there is a common room meant for the floor's tenants to hang out at. It was newly furnished so not much entertainment had been placed in, but it looked to be a great place to hang out in especially with all the open atmosphere in the room.
There is a common room furnished with a TV and armchairs available on every floor. If the tenants desire to hang out on their own floor, they are more than welcome too without having to go all the way down to the common area!

On the ground floor, I realized they offer more spaces for the seniors to hang out and do their activities at. There is even an over-the-counter preparation corner for them to prepare some simple meals at!

I even had a look at their kitchens, and it was clean and spotless, ready for the chefs of Harmony Hill Homes usage to prepare healthy plant-based meals for the seniors. To ensure they consume plenty of nutrients for their body!

With all these wonderful facilities I got to experience at Harmony Hill Home, I have not even gotten to the wide range of activities they have prepared for the elderly.
They don't leave the elderly to their own vices as the staff of Harmony Hill Home provides full day care plus recreational facilities for seniors. The philosophy of Harmony Hill Home to ensure our guests live a contented psychologically sound life.
Read more on Harmony Hill Home's wide range of activities will be shared here! You won't want to miss out on how many mind-stimulating activities they have for their retirees and seniors. You can visit their website and explore more of their activities over on their website, here!
Yayasan Sin Chew - Rumah Bukit Harmoni
Lot 49512, Jalan Rumah Harmoni,
Taman Tasik Semenyih,
43500 Semenyih
For more information, please contact (010 - 660 6388)
Brief Summary of Harmony Hill Home
Harmony Hill Homes is situated in a picturesque valley near Semenyih and has been designed to create an environment that supports the wellbeing of the 288 residents through the application of salutogenic design principles. The physical, emotional & psychological needs of the residents are supported by creating a comfortable residential ambience, with good daylighting, natural ventilation, and views of the surrounding forested hills.
Rumah Bukit Harmoni ( Harmony Hill Home )
星洲日報基金會希望為長者打造一個清靜、平和、快樂的家園—— 清平樂之家。
清平樂之家的理念 :
- 老有所依,身有所安,心有所修,終有所歸;
- 以慈悲喜捨為奉獻準則;
- 以“老吾老以及人之老”的敬老精神,凝聚社會資源為長者服務;
- 肯定長者的貢獻,維護長者的尊嚴;
- 尊重生命,造福惜福,為長者打造一個有團康生活、有生命素質、安祥自在的晚年。
About the Author
iElder.asia specialize in providing a range of products and services related to elderly care. This could be very helpful for those who are caring for elderly loved ones or for elderly individuals themselves who need support and assistance to maintain their health and well-being. iElder.asia is an online ecommerce platform to showcase medical equipment and rehabilitation services that can help improve quality of life for seniors. You are welcome to visit their showrooms in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor in Malaysia.
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