Adult Pants 12 packs | P.Love
- Anti-bacteria
- Imported material that redice smell and causes of rash
- Core elevate technology
- Premium breathable material
- Improved Absorbent Core
- Underwear feel comfortable
Lampin Dewasa
1)Anti Bacteria - Imported material that reduce the smell and causes of rash (Bahan yang diimport membantu mengurangkan bau dan punca ruam)
2) Premium breathable material - Combination of non-woven fabric and breathable layer. High ventilation backsheet to enhance dryness. (Gabungan kain non-woven dengan lapisan bernafas dan lapisan asas yang bernafas tinggi memberikan pengguna kering sentiasa.
3) Improved Absorbent Core - Multiple layered absorbent padding for even distribution. Specially designed core with higher concentration of super absorbent gel and fluff at the core centre to enhance dryness and comfort. Tiga lapis padat penyerap, teras direka khas untuk meningkatkan kepekatan gel penyerap sambil menambahkan kekeringan dan keselesaan.
4) Underwear feel comfortable - Elastic rubber like panties 360 protection all day long. Secure with every moment. Unique side seems extra durable side seams so that users can easily move around.
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Features and Benefits
Product Specifications