Etac is a world-leading developer of ergonomic mobility aids for people at all stages of life – from small children to the elderly.
Award-winning products setting standards with Scandinavian design and it is developed in close cooperation (industrial designers, rehab staff and users.)
Medical Device Regulations - MDR. The product fulfills the requirements for safety, health and environment, and other product specific characteristics.
Today we offer a wide range of solutions for mobility with; manual wheelchairs, innovative products for bathing and toileting and aids for daily living. All our products have one thing in common – they are the best in terms of quality, simplicity, functionality, reliability and design that the market has to offer.

Socky Short Stocking Aid | Etac Socky
The Etac Socky Short Stocking Aid will be a great help if you have reduced movement in the back, hip or knee joints. This short sock and stocking a...
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