Anti Slip Swivel Positioning Turning Board EZ-410 | EZ-GO
Anti Slip Swivel cushion is a lightweight and durable transfer device which can turn a patient in the desired direction. It can be positioned on a car seat, chair or bed and give assistance to get out of the car/chair or bed.
- A swivel cushion is designed to help turn the patient to the desired position on the floor.
- 360-degree swivel pad.
- Perfect to use on the floor.
- Waterproof
- Can be used in the shower when the patient sits on a shower chair.
- Multifunctional. Effort-Saving. Light-weight and Space-Saving
- Can be used on the floor or chair
- Intend to turn the patient in the desired direction
- Clean with water
Why need a patient transfer tool?
Patient-handling tasks are recognized as the primary cause of musculoskeletal disorders in the nursing workforce. Low Back Pain (LBP) is a regular occupational problem for nurses worldwide.
Patient‐handling tasks are typically performed manually and often repetitively and include such movements as lifting, transferring and repositioning patients.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that nursing personnel are among the highest at risk for MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders)
Patient‐handling tasks most frequently associated with low back pain include lifting and forced, sudden or strained movements (such as those involved in patient fall interventions).
Continuous or repeated performance of these activities throughout one’s working lifetime greatly increases the chances of developing MSDs.
Research regarding the impact of musculoskeletal injuries on nurses has shown the following:
- 52% complain of chronic back pain
- 12% of nurses report that they have left nursing “for good” because of back pain
- 20% of RNs transferred to a different unit, position or employment because of lower back pain
- 38% of RNs have suffered occupational‐related back pain severe enough to require taking leave from work
- 6%, 8% and 11% of RNs reported changing jobs for neck, shoulder and back problems, respectively.

Features and Benefits
Product Specifications
Shipping & Installation