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iElder CSR talk by Amden Capital

Community Talk about Integrative Medicine and Home Improvement Tips for Ageing In Place by iElder team organised by Amden Capital @ Damansara Kim community

It was a lovely, sunny public holiday, and we at iElder were honored to speak at the Amden Capital CSR talk on Healthy Ageing through integrative medicine and home improvement tips for ageing in place.

Upon reaching the venue in Damansara Kim, the ambience radiated love and joy, much like a gathering of old friends. Some participants had just finished their morning exercise and took a quick shower before attending the talk. It’s truly a wonderful neighborhood to be part of.

Ranjit, CEO of Amden Capital, shared insights into his company’s CSR program, which aims to provide more health talks to the community. Amden Capital recently received the Best Healthcare Financing Service of the Year Award for Malaysia from Global Health Asia Pacific, an accolade presented in Phuket.

Dr. Kong Why Hong, founder of AIM Healthcare and iElder, offered invaluable tips on healthy ageing for seniors and addressed numerous questions about integrative medicine and acupuncture case studies.



Olivia Quah of iElder shared home improvement tips to maintain quality of life at home, emphasizing the importance of ageing in place with the right assistive gadgets to support a continued retirement journey at home. She recommended conducting a home hazard and modification assessment for those unsure where to start.

The session was enriched with interactive dialogues between speakers and the audience, making it a meaningful and engaging experience. We hope this community service provides useful and practical tips for seniors in this wonderful neighborhood.

About Organizer, Amden Capital
Established since 2004, it is a Medical Financing Solution company to to assist by providing instant medical financing with no need for guarantors, fast processing, better service and tailored to your needs. More info at https://www.amdencap.com/

About iElder

We offer a wide range of senior care products and services, totaling over 1000 options.

Visit our website at www.iElder.asia for more information!

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Furthermore, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming opening of our new one-stop center at USJ. This center will feature a GP Clinic, TCM acupuncture clinic, senior care center, physiotherapy center, and an iElder showroom all under one roof. 

Community Awareness Talk "Integrative Medicine"

Many people are unsure about combining Western and Chinese medicine. If you’re wondering whether you can take Chinese medicine while using Western medicine, join our interactive session with Dr. Kong Why Hong, founder of iElder/AIM Healthcare. Learn more about integrative medicine, blending the best of Eastern and Western approaches, this Thursday night. Free and open for public.

Register now via Zoom.

Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

下一篇文章 iElder CSR @ TAMA conference titled Living your Golden Years: Ordinary People Living Extraordinary Lives on 8th June 2024


Mereen Cheak - 六月 4, 2024

The talks are very informative, valuable and interesting. They not only touch on the every aspects of senior living but also on the phychological sides and issues. They show us how to tackle and face the various difficulties of aging. The list of health and assistive gadgets available to the elderly in iElder is very valuable. All these information give us confidence in our process of aging gracefully. Really great talks.

Qwah Pek Geok - 六月 4, 2024

Tqvm for an interesting morning. Talk was informative especially impressed to know that u have a good range of products suitable for seniors

Chiam Siew Keen - 六月 4, 2024

Pragmatic advice. Overall holistic approach combining Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

Lim Ah Lan - 六月 4, 2024

Very interesting and lively talk. Thanks to the speakers and organisers, i had an enjoyable time.

Julietan - 六月 4, 2024

Dr. Kong’s health talk was so informative and beneficial to my future perception on health issues. It also opens my eyes to the equipment and gadgets for the elderly with reduced mobility.

Sukhinder Muker - 六月 4, 2024

The talk was so informative and enlightening and both the speakers engaged very well with the audience and there was never a dull moment. I also learned about medical facilities available for the elderly that I never even knew existed in the market.

Mary Wong - 六月 4, 2024


Jimmy Wang - 六月 4, 2024

The talk given by Dr Kong and Olivia this morning was very engaging and informative. Enjoyed it tremendously! Thanks.

Eileen Lim Thong - 六月 3, 2024

Greater awareness to preventive measures that can be taken to make life for the elderly safer, more comfortable , meaningful, better quality in life & peace of mind as well as what to do in an emergency .

Aida Tay - 六月 3, 2024

Interesting talk. Now I know where to get stuff for elder care instead of sourcing overseas. Also I see one day the need to check in to nursing/old folks home n IElder gives me an option. Thank you



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iElder carries products from many well-known international brands


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