自动倾斜舒适床 |爱长者
想象一下当您躺在可调节电动床上时感受到的极度舒适,尤其是当持续的身体和关节疼痛不再存在时。 这款独特的电动躺椅采用实木制成,做工精细,具有经典的外观和感觉。有了这张豪华的床,您可以在依偎时感受到温暖,并根据自己的要求和喜好控制自己的睡眠姿势。电机系统品质优良,源自德国,结构坚固、安...
查看完整细节Mobile Nursing Care Bed | Wissner-Bosserhoff Movita SC
Note: The photos are only for preview. We do not sell the optional LED reading lamp. We only sell Lindberg Oak in colour and one board design: Desi...
查看完整细节移动护理床|威斯纳-博瑟霍夫 Sentida 6
最高水平的功能和安全性融入了家居般的设计中,以保障用户的尊严和福祉。 此类床提供的广泛功能使 Sentida 6 具有以下优点: 居民和护理人员的安全 预防跌倒 预防压力性损伤 照顾痴呆症患者 功能独立性和移动性 失禁护理 使用方便 为什么是森达...
查看完整细节Wooden Hospital Bed 3 Crank Manual (Without Mattress)
*The bed does not sell with a mattress. Transform your medical facility into a warm and inviting atmosphere with the Wooden Hospital Bed 3 Crank M...
查看完整细节[Pre-Order] Self Care Bed
Size: 2000×1200×450 mm multi-layer solid wood Product size: size can be customised Material: multi-layer solid wood, high-density elastic sponge ...
查看完整细节Wooden 5 Function Rotation Home Care Bed with mattress
Struggling to get up from bed? This bed can smoothly rotate to a 90-degree angle and gently transition into a seated position, making it easier for...
查看完整细节Wooden Hospital Bed 2 Crank Manual (Without Mattress )
*The bed does not sell with a mattress. Transform your medical facility into a warm and inviting atmosphere with the Wooden Hospital Bed 2 Crank M...
可调节床架可直接在现有床架板条上使用,这样您就可以保持您喜欢的风格。 通过可调节床架享受生活方式和健康益处。电动躺椅有助于缓解打鼾、减少背痛、减轻肿胀、改善心脏健康和呼吸,并缓解胃酸反流。这是电动可调节床架