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Enjoy FREE courier delivery for purchases above RM500 within West Malaysia. (Shipping and installation terms apply—details available on each product page). Please CALL US to confirm product availability before visiting our showroom.


库存量单位 MWW8013L14
原价 $9,691.30 USD - 原价 $9,691.30 USD
$9,691.30 USD
$9,691.30 USD - $9,691.30 USD
现价 $9,691.30 USD

不再需要寻找电动站立式轮椅,因为 Draco 拥有最好的产品,配备全功能,可让您以安全舒适的位置移动、站立、坐下、倾斜和躺下。脚踏、扶手、靠背同步移动,站立、坐卧转换时不会感到肌肉拉扯。借助 Draco,您可以最大限度地减少白天转移用户的风险和精力,因为用户可以躺着小睡。

为什么选择 Draco 电动站立轮椅?

它的动力充足,可用于躺下、站立、坐下和倾斜位置。它的最高速度可达 8 公里/小时(5 英里/小时)。充满电后可行驶 30 公里(18.5 英里)。它配备了动态 LED 图形显示控制器 (DX2),可实现精确的用户控制。为了安全起见,它会在站立位置自动调节速度。它有 8 个轮子,可提供出色的稳定性,尤其是在站立和躺下位置时。它的中心有电动轮,可确保 66 厘米(30 英寸)的小转弯半径。配备节能 LED 灯,适合夜间外出。它具有头枕调节功能,带来额外的舒适感。它有一个H形安全带。它具有弹簧悬架,可在崎岖的地形上提供额外的舒适度。它有一个可调节的脚踏板,可以在不同阶段保持站立姿势。它具有可调节的腿长和座椅深度,以适应不同腿长的用户。

Features and Benefits

Draco – The Best Power Standing Wheelchair:

Draco is the most functional standing wheelchair out of all the models, excellent for users:

  • With easily swelling feet (especially users with diabetes).
  • Require to take a few naps in the day.
  • Need extra comfort throughout the day.
  • Want to constantly change the positions.

Important Features:

  • Fully powered for lie down, stand, sit and recline positions. It also allows you to move in a standing position.
  • 8 wheels to provide excellent stability especially when the user lies down.
  • 5-speed control with driving speed up to 8km/hr (5 miles/hr).
  • Travels up to 30km (18.5 miles) with a full charge.
  • Equipped with Dynamic LED graphic display Controller (DX2) for precise user control and sensors for safety.
  • Automatically adjust to slow speed during standing or recline position for safety.
  • Motorized wheels are located in the center to ensure a tight turning radius.
  • Available in 14″, 16″, 18″ seat width with multiple adjustable parts to suit different body sizes.
  • The footrest, armrest, and backrest move in a coordinated way simultaneously, so the user will not feel the muscle pull when changing from standing – sit – lie down position.
  • Comes with different types of straps for knee, calve, chest and safety belt. (Optional thigh strap, ankle strap, H-shape harness are available too).
  • Safety is always our No.1 priority when we designed this stylish structure, and only high-grade aircraft quality aluminum alloy is used to ensure durability and safety standards.

Other Unique Features:

  • The footrest angle is adjustable to stretch the calf muscles and tendons as the user stands up.
  • Adjustable seat depth & footrest height to suit users with different height and leg length.
  • 3-layers foam cushion and back support to ensure extra comfort.
  • Spring suspension for extra comfort over rough terrains.
  • Adjustable and removable headrest.


  • If you are looking for a lay down wheelchair that is the most functional electric standing wheelchair, Draco definitely is your best choice.
  • But if you don’t need lay down function or raise up the legs, then Phoenix would be your ideal motorized wheelchair
Product Specifications

座椅宽度选择:16 英寸座椅为 40 厘米(16 英寸)/18 英寸座椅为 46 厘米(18 英寸)
座椅深度(可调节):40-52 厘米(18 英寸 - 20 英寸)可调节
靠背高度:64 厘米(25.2 英寸)
总宽度:16 英寸座椅为 64.5 厘米(25.4 英寸)/18 英寸座椅为 69.5 厘米(27.4 英寸)
总高度(前):143.5 厘米(56.5 英寸),带头枕; 118 厘米(46.5 英寸),不带头枕
离地间隙:5 厘米(2 英寸)
打开尺寸 18 英寸:(长 x 宽 x 高)114 厘米 x 75 厘米 x 142 厘米
打开尺寸 16 英寸:(长 x 宽 x 高)114 厘米 x 70 厘米 x 142 厘米
打开尺寸 14 英寸:(长 x 宽 x 高)114 厘米 x 65 厘米 x 142 厘米
脚踏板到座椅长度(可调节):44.5 – 52 厘米(17.5 英寸 - 20.5 英寸)可调节
包装尺寸(宽 x 长 x 高)厘米:109x66x93cm (14") 109x68x93cm (16") 109x72x93cm (18")


卫生部医疗器械管理局 (MDA) 注册


针对制造缺陷提供 2 年保修。

Shipping & Installation

毛重 155 公斤(310 磅)
纸箱尺寸 宽x长x厚 109x66x93cm (14”)109x68x93cm (16”)109x72x93cm (18”)
巴生谷内 - 免费送货。
西马 - RM20
东马/国际递送 - 请参阅退房时的快递费。

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