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最轻的站立式轮椅 |利奥二世

库存量单位 MWW801014
原价 $0.00 USD
原价 $3,265.74 USD - 原价 $3,265.74 USD
现价 $3,265.74 USD
$3,265.74 USD - $3,265.74 USD
现价 $3,265.74 USD



为什么是利奥二世?它是世界上唯一一款最轻的站立式轮椅,时尚、轻便且用户友好。如果您喜欢使用手动轮椅并希望经常自己站立,Leo II确实是您的最佳选择。

面对现实吧。您想要独立,而有了狮子座二号,您就得到了它,您的自信将会增强,从而改善您的健康和健康质量。那么为什么 Leo II 是最适合您的站立轮椅呢?

· 适合手臂、手掌、手指力量较好的截瘫患者。 (对于手臂、手掌或手指较弱的人,Pegasus II 是一个替代方案,它也适合四肢瘫痪的人。如果您想站立移动,请研究 Phoenix II 和 Draco 选项)

· Leo II 是世界上最轻的站立式轮椅,重量仅为 27 公斤(59 磅),一旦通过快速释放功能分离 4 个轮子,重量可降至 21.5 公斤(47 磅)。

· 4个轮子可拆卸,靠背可折叠,方便旅行时搬运或存放。

· Leo II采用高级航空级铝合金制成,拥有最好的工艺和材料,满足最高的安全性和耐用性要求。

· 提供 14 英寸、16 英寸、18 英寸座椅宽度尺寸,具有多个可调节部件,适合不同的体型和能力:

· 座椅深度和搁脚板高度均可调节,以适应不同身高或腿长的用户。

· 可调节的三角度脚踏板,用户可以根据自己的适应逐渐倾斜脚踏板角度,这有助于在站立时伸展小腿肌肉和肌腱。

· 靠背的高度也可调节:如果用户需要更高的靠背或可选的 H 形安全带,可提供更好的支撑。

· 借助我们专有的用户控制的站坐机制,用户可以按照自己的节奏控制站或坐运动,以防止肌肉痉挛。

· 配有不同类型的膝盖带、小腿带、胸部带和安全带。

· 还有可选的安全功能,如大腿和脚踝带、H 形安全带等。

· Leo II 配备聚氨酯块后轮悬架,提供更舒适的乘坐体验。

· 脊髓损伤患者喜欢我们的产品,这说明了产品的质量和可用性。

Features and Benefits

Leo is the best and lightest standing wheelchair:

Leo is the Lightest Standing Wheelchair, and it has changed the lives of uncountable users worldwide. The results and convenience are so much better than the conventional standing frame/standing bed, primarily if you actively use it as exercise & rehab aid equipment.

  • Leo provides you with 10 health benefits, convenience, better exercise, and it can even improve your work capabilities.
  • With a proprietary user-controlled stand-sit mechanism, the user can control the stand or sit movement at his own pace to prevent muscle spasms.
  • It is suitable for paraplegia with good strength in arms, palms, and fingers. (Otherwise, Pegasus would be the alternate choice. Should you want to move in standing position, please look into Phoenix and Draco)
  • Practise stand up, sit down frequently, and stand as long as possible for maximum health benefits.

Daily life Benefits:

  • Many users enjoy using Leo portable standing wheelchair to start their exercise life in a regular gym.
  • Leo also enhances their working and study capabilities, including cooking, teaching, daily office work, including presentations.
  • Social life becomes more manageable when standing.

Unique Features of Leo Standing Wheelchair:

  • Very safe, and no worries of falling forward due to our patented mechanism. (And our standing wheelchairs has been sold in the market for many years with an excellent reputation)
  • Adjustable seat depth & footrest height to suit users of different sizes and leg lengths.
  • You may use your cushion on the seat because the seat is velcro ready.
  • It is equipped with Rear Wheels Suspension by Polyurethane blocks to provide more comfortable rides.
  • The footrest angle is adjustable to stretch the calf muscles and tendons as the user stands up.
  • Quick-release front and rear wheels with a foldable backrest to become a very compact size so that it can fit in a regular car trunk.
  • Total weight at only 27 kg (59 lb) and can reduce to 21.5 kg (47 lb) after detaching the 4 wheels by quick-release function.
  • Uses only high-grade aircraft quality aluminum alloy to ensure lightweight, durability, and safety standards.
  • Available in 14″, 16″, 18″ seat width with multiple adjustable parts to suit different body sizes.
  • It comes with different straps for the knee, ankle, chest, and safety belt. (Optional safety features like thigh strap and H-shape harness are available too).
  • Up to 5-years international warranty

Leo Standing Wheelchair vs other standing equipment:

  • Regular active wheelchairs can’t give you the health benefits and convenience like Leo.
  • Leo braces your knees and stretches your tendons much better than the standing frame and standing bed.
  • Effectively prevents pressure sore under the feet as the user can conveniently sit down frequently anytime.
  • Be more independent when it comes to standing/sitting or changing positions of pressure points.

Spinal Cord Injury athletes


  • Many users call it Leo 2 Standing Wheelchair or just Leo II Wheelchair because it is the 2nd generation of our model Leo.
  • If you are looking for standing wheelchairs for sale or the lightest standing wheelchair, Leo II Standing Wheelchair is the best recommended manual standing wheelchair in the market.
  • Lots of spinal cord injury paraplegia depend on our products in their daily lives and exercises, which speaks for quality and usability.
Product Specifications

总高度(可调节):33.5英寸 – 37.4英寸
靠背高度(可调节):13.8英寸 – 17.7英寸
脚踏板到座椅长度(可调节):17.5英寸 – 20.5英寸
旅行重量 – 16 英寸/18 英寸:21.5 千克/22 千克
总重量 – 16 英寸 / 18 英寸:27.0 千克 / 27.5 千克
包装尺寸 – 16英寸/18英寸:100X63X60cm / 100X67X60cm
打开尺寸 18 英寸:(长 x 宽 x 高)102 厘米 68 厘米 88 厘米~98 厘米
打开尺寸 16 英寸:(长 x 宽 x 高)102 厘米 63 厘米 88 厘米~98 厘米
打开尺寸 14 英寸:(长 x 宽 x 高)102 厘米 58 厘米 88 厘米~98 厘米


卫生部医疗器械管理局 (MDA) 注册


制造缺陷 2 年保修。

Shipping & Installation

纸箱尺寸 100X63X60cm/100X67X60cm
巴生谷内 - 免费送货。
西马 - RM20
东马/国际递送 - 请参阅退房时的快递费。

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