Disinfection Service
Looking forward to going back to work? But is the office safe for you?
The price list below:-
1) 0ft2 - 10,000 ft2 = rm0.30 per ft2
2) 10,001 ft2 - 50,000 ft2 = rm 0.25 per ft2
3) 50,001 ft2 100,000 ft2 = rm0.20 per ft2
4) 100,000 ft2 - 1,000,000 ft2 = rm0.15 per ft
We offer the best disinfection services in Malaysia. Our actions are regulated by the National Environment Agency. We maintain high international standards in conducting our work
Carry out effective disinfection to our client.
On-par with international procedure/requirement.
100% Non-Toxic & Alcohol-Free
Leave no harmful effects/residues after disinfection.
Ensure highly vulnerable surroundings are reduced to the least vulnerable for our client.
100% customer satisfaction. You all deserve to know everything.
Our product is based on a new technology that kills bacteria yet is non-toxic, alcohol-free and neutral pH, making it safe for a wide range of applications.
International Certificates
Eliminate Bacteria less than 1min.
Latest Technology Equipment
All task carried out according to the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) Guidelines