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Professional Caregiver Pathway in Malaysia

Professional Caregiver Pathway in Malaysia

As Malaysia moves towards becoming an aged society by 2030, it is crucial in developing highly skilled human resources in the Care and Community Services Sector.  Industry players must enroll into Malaysian Skills Certification System to ensure recognition of their competencies, producing professionally skilled caregivers.

The Department of Social Welfare as the Industry Lead Body for the care and community services sector, in collaboration with the Department of Skills Development and Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training (CIAST).

List of National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) in the Care and Community Services Sector

There are three levels for Elderly Care in Care Centers:

  • CC-013-3:2013 NOSS Elderly Care Center Operations Level 3 (Certificate)
  • CC-013-4:2013 NOSS Elderly Care Center Administration Level 4 (Diploma)
  • CC-013-5:2013 NOSS Elderly Care Center Management Level 5 (Advanced Diploma)

As of May 2024, there are 428 holders of the Malaysian Skills Certificate.

There are three main pathways to obtain Malaysian Skills Certification:

1. Accredited Program Training System (SLaPB)

Full-time/part-time skills training at Public/Private Accredited Centers. In other words, you can attend a TVET vocational school to obtain the certification.

2. Dual National Training System (SLDN)

SLDN training centers provide certification opportunities to internal employees through workplace training. Industry-oriented training is conducted in two locations, with 20%/30% of theoretical learning at the training center and 80%/70% of practical training at the workplace/company.

There are three categories of Centers:

  • Training Centre Only:Your organization is dedicated to delivering theoretical education (1 instructor: 8 trainees)
  • Workplace/company Only: Your center exclusively serves as a facility for training purposes, focusing on practical skill development. (1 coach: 3 trainees)
  • Both Theory & Training Centre:Your establishment functions as both a theory education provider and a training center.

As of May 2024, 28 companies have registered for the Dual National Training System (SLDN) related to elderly care, with the majority being government agencies.

3. Recognition of Prior Achievement (PPT)

A method of recognition for individuals who can demonstrate prior experience and achievements based on the competencies outlined in NOSS. In other words, you can leverage your years of experience in running a senior care center to get assessed through building a portfolio or through a practical portfolio.

In conclusion, each pathway offers unique opportunities for individuals and organizations to gain and demonstrate their skills and experience in elderly care.

About blogger, iElder

At iElder, we redefine excellence as a licensed Medical Product Supplier, bringing a comprehensive range of solutions to the forefront. As importers, exporters, wholesalers, and distributors, our dedication to Elderly care encompasses hospital beds, wheelchairs, commodes, Elderly Monitoring Systems, SOS alert buttons, hospital furniture, and beyond.

For further information, please contact iElder:

iElder Contact Information:
Website: www.iElder.asia
Email: healthcare@ielder.asia
Phone: +60123005592

Join us in advancing the care economy and ensuring the highest standards of care for our elderly population.

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