Dysphagia Range
What is dysphagia?
Dysphagia is the medical term used to describe having difficulty swallowing – this includes problems with swallowing, drinking, chewing, eating, or when food or drink goes down the ‘wrong way’.
It is usually caused by nerve or muscle problems. Dysphagia can be painful and is more common in the elderly.
Because there are many causes of dysphagia, treatment depends on the underlying cause.
Early signs of dysphagia are coughing or choking while eating and drinking. This means food, liquid or saliva might get into your lungs, which could cause pneumonia.
Precise Thick-N INSTANT Single Serve 500ml
Precise Thick-N INSTANT is the GOLD standard for thickening beverages for people with dysphagia. The industry has welcomed this innovative liquid t...
查看完整细节Precise Thick-N INSTANT Sachet (100 Satchets per box, 4.7ml per Sachet)
Precise Thick-N INSTANT is available in sachets making thickening fluids easier and more convenient for people with dysphagia. All IDDSI Levels ar...
查看完整细节Spill-proof Scale Drinking Cup/Mug 250ml
Spill-proof cup (adaptive utensils) Suitable for children or adults. Develop for reduced strength and limited coordination user. Reduce the chanc...