Home Occupational Therapy Session
Enhance your physical and mental well-being with our personalized Occupational Therapy Session. Our experienced therapists will provide a tailored ...
查看完整细节Theraband CLX Resistance Band 22M (25 Yds)
TheraBand CLX Loops Exercise Bands The TheraBand CLX with consecutive Loops provides multiple unique grip options that enable open and closed hand...
查看完整细节TheraBand Foot Roller for Foot Pain Relief
For temporary relief from foot pain. -The TheraBand® Foot Roller is used to provide temporary relief from the pain associated with plantar fascii...
查看完整细节Theraband FlexBar for Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow
There-Band® FlexBar™ (Tennis Elbow Flex Bar) Theraband flex bar is a great tool for tennis elbow and golfers' elbow conditioning exercises. It is g...
查看完整细节Train the Trainer Course: Elder Mentor Training Program
When iElder learned from Dr. Ann Wong from Hong Kong about how game and toy activities specially designed for seniors are being used there and how ...
查看完整细节Overbed Table T400 | AIM Healthcare
The AIM Healthcare Overbed Table T400 provides a U-shaped design suitable for use as either an overbed table or a cardiac table. Enjoy versatile fu...
查看完整细节Deluxe Series Adult Dual Head Stethoscope CK-S601PF | SPIRIT
*Note: Stocks are running fast. Please contact us before placing an order to confirm stock availability. Stainless steel adult type with "Superfl...
查看完整细节CPAP Nasal Pillow Mask | ResMed P30i
The benefits of sleep apnea treatment are truly remarkable. Getting a good night’s sleep gives you the energy to get back to doing the things you l...
查看完整细节Aluminium Sport Wheelchair with swing back armrest
Discover the freedom and flexibility of the Aluminium Sport Wheelchair with swing back armrest. Lightweight yet sturdy, this wheelchair allows for ...
查看完整细节Samsoft 175 Electric Hoist
Overview The Samsoft is a compact, folding mobile hoist designed to make easy work of transferring patients from one position to another. This high...
查看完整细节Wall-Mounted Foldable Shower Stool / Seat
Foldable Shower Stool BF100-09B3mm thickness without damping spring Colour: White Specifications: 410x350x450mm Installation Base: Single steel pl...
查看完整细节Postur Wheelchair S300 | Bion
Experience the pinnacle of comfort and mobility with our newly improved full-featured wheelchair, Bion, Postur Wheelchair, 18", S300. From the cont...
查看完整细节CuroCell® A4 CX10 mattress overlay system | Care of Sweden
Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/injuries Healthcare is facing complex challenges due to an ageing population and reduced healthcar...
查看完整细节Medipal - Clean and Disinfect Wipes Canister with Tritex (200 pieces per canister)
Medipal Disinfectant Wipes are highly effective against bacteria and viruses and can be used to clean and disinfects, surfaces and equipment in cli...
查看完整细节Pro-care Optima Prone Dynamic Pressure Redistribution Air Mattress | APEX
“Simplicity Redefined" Suitable for patients with high to very high risk of pressure injuries Single-handed care when repositioning the patient...
查看完整细节Spare Plastic Board for Aluminium Foldable Commode and Shower Chair
Enhance the functionality of your Aluminium Foldable Commode and Shower Chair with our Spare Plastic Board. Designed to fit perfectly, our durable ...
查看完整细节Hypoallergenic Surgical tapes | Adventa Health
Non-woven with ventilated adhesive coating 25mmx9.2m 12 rolls/rollen Weight: 0.50kg To secure tubing, catheters or dressing retention whilst ma...
查看完整细节Deluxe Foldable Rollator | Hopkin
Product Specifications Frame - Aluminium Light Weight Handle Height - Adjustable (78cm - 91cm) Seat Width - 18 Inch Pouch Bag - Yes Hand Brake - Y...
查看完整细节Ice Hot Bag | Alivio
Alivio Ice Hot Bag is ideal for pain relieve from sport injuries, aching muscles, menstrual period, headache and rheumatic fever. Helps reduce pain...
查看完整细节Stainless Steel Hand Railing (Per unit)
Upgrade your home or office with our durable Stainless Steel Hand Railing! Crafted with high-quality stainless steel, our hand railing provides bot...
查看完整细节Monkey Bar (Trapeze Bar)
The Monkey Bar (Trapeze Bar) is a free-standing frame which is placed underneath the bed base as a stable and overhead support pole for those who f...
查看完整细节Vetagel 汽车安全座椅 |平衡开启
使用 BalanceOn 汽车安全座椅体验无疲劳的长途驾驶。我们先进的双蜂窝六角柱结构气囊可确保增强舒适度并减少长时间驾驶时的疲劳。这种独特的设计采用具有卓越弹性和弹性的材料制成,可防止坐着时血管受压。享受高效的重力分布,为长时间驾驶提供无与伦比的支撑。
Qualitas Paramount 床(带床垫)
Qualitas Beta Paramount 床(带床垫) 分阶段支持康复 第一步:改变睡姿步骤 2:重力负荷练习(反向特伦德伦伯卧位)步骤 3:在协助下坐起来(椅子位置) 第四步:训练坐在床边第五步:站立训练 预防患者跌倒 当患者从床上起身时,保持地面稳固是很重要的。床的高度较低...
产品特点: 成本效益 - 大多数大容量电子秤和平衡杆秤都相当昂贵。 可靠 - 这些秤由知名的最有经验的秤制造商制造。它们基本上是“标准范围”秤的更大、更坚固的版本。 易于使用 - 大读数刻度盘和大平台使这些秤适合任何浴室、诊所、学校、医院、美容店等。 热门型号 - 我们找到了各种高...
查看完整细节资源水果苹果瓶 [4 x 200ml]
RESOURCE® FRUIT 是一种清爽、透明的液体无脂补充剂,可纳入流质饮食中 产品描述 RESOURCE® FRUIT 是一种清爽、透明的液体无脂补充剂,可纳入流质饮食中 提供卓越的营养价值:每份含有 300kcal 能量和 8g 高品质水解乳清蛋白 透明液体,无脂肪补...
查看完整细节Soma 105 轮椅备件 PU 轮胎 7 英寸 [每件]
This is Soma 105 Wheelchair Spare Part PU Tyre 7". This durable and lightweight tyre provides a smooth and comfortable ride, ensuring the utmost mo...
查看完整细节便携式 BalanceOn Vetagel 颈椎枕头 |平衡开启
产品特点 重力分散技术 适当的颈部支撑 沉睡 优异的抵抗力和弹性 可以选择滑入/滑出额外的泡沫垫,以提供更多/更少的膨胀支撑 韩国制造
ESENTA™ 无刺皮肤屏障 50 毫升
ESENTA™ 无刺皮肤屏障在皮肤上形成透气屏障,保护皮肤长达 72 小时。 [1] 它降低了身体废物、酶和粘合剂引起的皮肤损伤和刺激的风险,即使频繁使用也安全有效。它不是由天然橡胶乳胶制成,基于硅树脂,且与 CHG 兼容。 [2]参考: 1. Voegeli D,LBF®“无刺”屏障湿巾:采...
查看完整细节[HRD Corp 可索赔] 1 天培训基本护理基本技巧
基本护理的基本技巧概述 发现有关老龄化、老年人期望、护理技能以及各种护理环境的细微差别的重要见解。提高您的护理能力并对老年人的生活产生有意义的影响。课程目标深入了解衰老过程和老年人面临的独特挑战。培养提供符合老年人期望的同理心护理的技能。学习与护理相关的护理见解,驾驭不同的护理环境,并掌握有效...
查看完整细节FLEXI-SEAL™ SIGNAL™ FMS (418000)
Flexi-Seal® SIGNAL™ FMS 是一种临时密封装置,适用于行动不便、粪便呈液态或半液态的失禁患者。 FLEXI-SEALTM SIGNALTM FMS 的独特之处SIGNAL™ 指示器:有助于确保舒适且定制的密封。蓝色手指插入袋:可以引导保留球囊以确保正确放置。活性炭过滤袋:高...
查看完整细节Appeton Wellness 60+糖尿病香草味 (900g)
Appeton Wellness 60+ 糖尿病是第一个也是唯一一个完整、均衡的营养食品,专为 60 岁以上患有糖尿病或糖尿病前期的老年人配制。也适合患有高血压、心血管疾病、糖尿病肾病等糖尿病并发症的人士。 Appeton Wellness 60+ 糖尿病患者符合以下机构制定的国际准则: ...
折叠加 |优雅地老去
释放你的潜力Foldplus 非常适合活跃的老年人,他们在追求户外兴趣的同时需要偶尔的支持。其紧凑的设计释放了用户发现新地方和结识新朋友的潜力。 它是世界上第一款采用可互换底座设计的折叠手杖,能够在需要时将其切换为更稳定的四底座。 采用折叠滑块接头构造,具有额外的强度,确保其截面...
与其他较重的电动轮椅型号相比,这种电动轮椅的重量约为 25 公斤,可以认为相对较轻。更轻的电动轮椅可以提供更容易的操控性、便携性和可运输性等优点,为可能需要经常运输轮椅或在狭窄空间内通行的用户带来更多便利。 在承受能力方面,与其他类型的轮椅相比,这种类型的轻型电动轮椅也可能更经济实惠。...
柔软、舒适且符合人体工学形状的座椅。 提供出色的压力缓解和舒适的支撑。专为 My-Loo 设计,但也可用于 Etac 的其他马桶座圈升高器。 这是 Etac My-Loo 的软座椅。符合人体工程学形状的马桶辅助座将为您提供额外的安全性,并提供更舒适的坐姿。 软座椅只需插入 Et...
查看完整细节适用于 PC/Mac 的 FitMi 家庭治疗程序
新的创新产品(美国弗林特康复中心)!!!由 iElder.asia 为您带来 一款旨在帮助您重新训练大脑的家庭治疗工具。FitMi 专为帮助神经损伤患者提高力量和灵活性而设计。 1. FitMi是第一款专为从头到脚康复而设计的家用神经康复设备 它可...