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3 合 1 马桶 | Etac Swift(移动厕所)

库存量单位 ATES006
节省14% 节省14%
原价 $259.60 USD
原价 $259.60 USD - 原价 $259.60 USD
原价 $259.60 USD
现价 $222.35 USD
$222.35 USD - $222.35 USD
现价 $222.35 USD

Etac Swift 马桶 – 三合一功能
了解 Etac Swift 马桶的多功能功能以及如何将其用作床头马桶椅、淋浴椅和升高马桶座圈。

大多数人都知道,对于年迈的父母来说,在浴室里放一把淋浴椅是安全的,但如果需要再加一张马桶椅,我们就需要花钱,还需要另找空间来放置。不用担心,现在我们有这款多功能座厕淋浴椅。 Etac Swift 马桶是一款具有多种智能功能的三合一产品。它非常容易使用,首先,可以调整椅子的高度以适合我们年迈的父母。淋浴时,只需将座便盆取下,即可安心淋浴。





柔软的套圈可在所有表面上提供出色的抓握力。由于易于清洁,因此很容易拆卸。 Swift 马桶采用扁平包装,易于组装和高度调节,无需使用任何工具。

这款多功能椅子的优点是防锈和 5 年保修。

  • Etac Swift 座便器的高度可调节,并将座椅设置为略微前倾,以便于站立和坐下。
  • Etac Swift 马桶可以拆卸并重新包装在智能手提箱中,以便进一步运输。
  • Etac Swift 马桶的底盆设计精良,与座椅融为一体。
Features and Benefits

Etac Swift Commode – Three-in-one functionality

Discover the versatile features of Etac Swift Commode and how it can be used as a bedside toilet chair, shower chair and raised toilet seat.

Most people know it is safe to have a shower chair to put in the bathroom for elderly parents, but if need to add one more commode chair, we need to spend money and also need to find another space to put it. No worries, now we have this multi-function commode shower chair. The Etac Swift commode is a three-in-one product with many smart functions. It is very easy to use, first thinking to adjust the height of the chair to suit our elderly parents. When shower, just need to remove the commode bowl and now can shower with peace of mind.

If you want to poo and pee, you just need to insert a bowl into it.

We want to share with you some experiences by other users, some people will put the shower commode chair into the toilet bowl, then no need to wash the commode bowl. Some people will use it as a toilet seat raiser because the toilet bowl at home normally is a bit low. Then seniors will feel comfortable sitting on the toilet seat raiser chair. Furthermore, both sides have grab bars, which can let seniors easily get up, and are also safer.

Some users also put this multipurpose commode shower chair beside the bed as a portable toilet to ease seniors' no need to visit the toilet at night. Very comfortable and discreetly placed in the bedroom.

The seat pad conceals a removable pan with a secure lid that locks automatically when lifted. The soft seat and back support paddings come as standard to give extra comfort to seniors.

The soft ferrules give an excellent grip on all surfaces. With easy cleaning, it is so easy to detach.  Swift Commode comes flat-packed and is easy to assemble and height-adjust, without using any tools. 

The good thing about this multipurpose chair is anti-rust and has a 5-year warranty. 

The height of the Etac Swift commode can be adjusted and the seat with a slight anterior tilt to make it easier to stand up and sit down.

Etac Swift Commode can be disassembled and re-packed in the smart carry-case for easy transport easily.

The pan of Etac Swift Commode is well-designed and becomes one with the seat.

Product Specifications

开口深度和宽度:30 厘米 x 21.5 厘米

座椅、靠背和扶手支撑 - 聚丙烯
腿 - 铝和聚酰胺
靠背和座垫 - 聚乙烯和尼龙织物


卫生部医疗器械管理局 (MDA) 注册 MMD 注册号:GMD89214474418A
原产国 - 瑞典


制造缺陷 5 年保修。

使用无溶剂清洁剂(pH 值 5-9)或 70% 消毒液清洁产品。
因此需要能够在最高 85°C / 185°F 的温度下进行净化。

Shipping & Installation

巴生谷内 - 免费送货。
西马 - RM20
东马/国际递送 - 请参阅退房时的快递费。

毛重 - 7kg
纸箱尺寸 -61x21x51 厘米

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