Enjoy FREE courier delivery for purchases above RM500 within West Malaysia. (Shipping and installation terms apply—details available on each product page). Please CALL US to confirm product availability before visiting our showroom.
Enjoy FREE courier delivery for purchases above RM500 within West Malaysia. (Shipping and installation terms apply—details available on each product page). Please CALL US to confirm product availability before visiting our showroom.


库存量单位 ASAP023SBe
原价 $0.00 USD
原价 $19.35 USD - 原价 $19.35 USD
现价 $19.35 USD
$19.35 USD - $19.35 USD
现价 $19.35 USD



从事长时间坐着或站立工作的人可能会遇到与静脉相关的疾病。静脉相关疾病不仅仅是美容问题,这些都是严重的健康问题,可能导致蜘蛛静脉、静脉曲张、静脉湿疹、静脉溃疡、DVT 等。

  • Actifeet 通过挤压浅静脉并改善血液循环来预防静脉相关问题。
Features and Benefits

Actifeet Health socks squeeze the superficial veins of the legs and maintain normal vain circumference, thus Improving valve function. Actifeet Improves blood circulation and oxygen supply in the body. The unique Nano-silver technology provides anti-microbial properties and prevents odour


  • Offers 14mmHg pressure at the ankle and the pressure gradually reduces towards the calf muscle.
  • Improves blood circulation by gently squeezing the superficial veins and improves valve function in the veins.
  • The unique Nano-Silver technology in Actifeet kills 99.9% of infection-causing microorganisms to prevent itching and irritation.
  • Offers Thermal Regulation and Moisture management properties.


  • For professionals whose job involves prolonged standing or sitting.
  • Excess fluid retention in the leg.
  • Ideal for Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Retail sales personnel, Chefs, and Barbers.
  • As flight socks to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis.

User Information:

  • Ensure that correct measurement is taken.
  • Gather ACTIFEET socks from the top band to toe and draw over the foot till you place them in their position.
  • Slowly pull the socks up the leg. Smooth out any wrinkles while pulling socks up.
  • To remove ACTIFEET from your leg, roll down the socks from top to bottom.
Product Specifications

Colour: Beige


MOH Medical Device Authority (MDA) Registered
MDA Reg. No.: GA3309119-31461

Shipping & Installation

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