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Enjoy FREE courier delivery for purchases above RM500 within West Malaysia. (Shipping and installation terms apply—details available on each product page). Please CALL US to confirm product availability before visiting our showroom.
Harmonizing with Harmony Hill Homes at Semenyih

与士毛月 Harmony Hill Homes 和谐相处


Harmony Hill Home 位于士毛月占地近 50 英亩的土地上,是一个宁静、安宁、幸福的长者之家。这是我第一次来到这座巨大的四层庭院式建筑时的印象。感谢星洲基金会的资助,Harmony Hill Homes于去年2022年竣工。


星洲基金会提供的资金是通过捐款活动筹集的。我非常感谢他们为马来西亚老年人社区建造了如此出色的疗养院。亲自考察了这么多养老院后,我发现大多数养老院都是枯燥、无生气、狭小的。与那些死气沉沉的疗养院相比,Harmony Hill Home 给人一种宾至如归的感觉,欢迎所有的老年人和退休人员。

与士毛月 Harmony Hill Homes 和谐相处




Harmony Hill Home 的庭院式住宅位于郊区,设备齐全,周围环境宜人、干净、清新,鼓励所有客人过上高品质的生活,过好每一天。




为了从上图中展示它的工作原理,这些是一楼的门!如果老年人忘记自己属于哪个房间,他们只需看看大数字旁边的鲜红花朵,就可以记住它们属于Bunga Kosmos。














我什至还看了他们的厨房,干净整洁,可供 Harmony Hill Homes 的厨师为老年人准备健康的植物性膳食。以保证他们的身体摄入充足的营养!


他们不会让老年人自行其是,因为 Harmony Hill Home 的工作人员为老年人提供全日托和娱乐设施。 Harmony Hill Home 的理念是确保我们的客人过上心理健康、满足的生活。

了解更多关于 Harmony Hill Home 广泛活动的信息将在这里分享!您一定不想错过他们为退休人员和老年人举办的许多振奋人心的活动。 您可以访问他们的网站并在他们的网站上探索更多活动

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星洲日报 - 武吉哈莫尼之家
地段 49512,Jalan Rumah Harmoni,
43500 士毛月


欲了解更多信息,请联系( 010 - 660 6388


Harmony Hill Homes 坐落在士毛月附近风景如画的山谷中,旨在通过应用有益健康的设计原则,创造一个支持 288 名居民福祉的环境。通过营造舒适的居住氛围、良好的采光、自然通风和周围森林山丘的景观来满足居民的身体、情感和心理需求。

Rumah Bukit Harmoni (Harmony Hill Home )




  1. 老有所依,身有所安,心有所修,终有所归;
  2. 以慈悲喜舍为奉献原则;
  3. 以“老吾老以及人之老”的敬老精神,聚集社会资源为长者服务;
  4. 肯定长者的贡献,维护长者的知识;
  5. 尊重生命,造福惜福,为长者打造一个有团康生活、有生命素质、安祥自在的晚年。


iElder.asia 专注于提供一系列与老年护理相关的产品和服务。这对于那些照顾老年亲人的人或需要支持和帮助以维持健康和福祉的老年人本身非常有帮助。 iElder.asia 是一个在线电子商务平台,展示有助于改善老年人生活质量的医疗设备和康复服务。欢迎您参观他们在马来西亚吉隆坡和雪兰莪的陈列室。

上一篇文章 士毛月和谐山之家 (Semenyih Harmony Hill Home) 有趣且令人振奋的长者活动
下一篇文章 参观槟城退休度假村


Lew Kok Sun - 一月 6, 2025

Hello, I am Lew Kok Sun, a Master in Architecture student at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), currently conducting research on “Retirement Housing Preferences in Malaysia.” To enhance my study, I would like to request a site visit and tour of GreenAcres Retirement Village in Ipoh and hope to gather more insights through brief interviews with residents and staff.

I am flexible with the date and can adjust to your convenience. Please let me know your available times, and I will gladly coordinate accordingly. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response.

Mary Lee - 十月 17, 2024

Can I make a visit to see the lovely place? Any appts to b made b4 going? I m a senior

Tee Eng Hua - 十月 16, 2023

would like to know more

Ramayee - 四月 21, 2023

Would like to visit n volunteer care

Steven Shum - 四月 21, 2023

Dear Management of Harmony Hills JiXiang,

Thank You very much SCF and FGS for bringing the standards of elderly care to the next level in Malaysia. It what’s the public need and to stay healthy during our old age. Hopefully, you can provide a complete care for both Minds (Hearts) and Body.

For example, we can provide good reading and good audio plus visual for our elderly, rooms with headphones.

Hope to See you soon at Harmony Hills.

Best Regards
Steven 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Steven Shum - 七月 2, 2023

Dear Management of Harmony Hills JiXiang,

Thank You very much SCF and FGS for bringing the standards of elderly care to the next level in Malaysia. It what’s the public need and to stay healthy during our old age. Hopefully, you can provide a complete care for both Minds (Hearts) and Body.

For example, we can provide good reading and good audio plus visual for our elderly, rooms with headphones.

Hope to See you soon at Harmony Hills.

Best Regards
Steven 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Steven Shum - 七月 2, 2023

Dear Management of Harmony Hills JiXiang,

Thank You very much SCF and FGS for bringing the standards of elderly care to the next level in Malaysia. It what’s the public need and to stay healthy during our old age. Hopefully, you can provide a complete care for both Minds (Hearts) and Body.

For example, we can provide good reading and good audio plus visual for our elderly, rooms with headphones.

Hope to See you soon at Harmony Hills.

Best Regards
Steven 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Steven Shum - 七月 2, 2023

Dear Management of Harmony Hills JiXiang,

Thank You very much SCF and FGS for bringing the standards of elderly care to the next level in Malaysia. It what’s the public need and to stay healthy during our old age. Hopefully, you can provide a complete care for both Minds (Hearts) and Body.

For example, we can provide good reading and good audio plus visual for our elderly, rooms with headphones.

Hope to See you soon at Harmony Hills.

Best Regards
Steven 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Steven Shum - 七月 2, 2023

Dear Management of Harmony Hills JiXiang,

Thank You very much SCF and FGS for bringing the standards of elderly care to the next level in Malaysia. It what’s the public need and to stay healthy during our old age. Hopefully, you can provide a complete care for both Minds (Hearts) and Body.

For example, we can provide good reading and good audio plus visual for our elderly, rooms with headphones.

Hope to See you soon at Harmony Hills.

Best Regards
Steven 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Steven Shum - 七月 2, 2023

Dear Management of Harmony Hills JiXiang,

Thank You very much SCF and FGS for bringing the standards of elderly care to the next level in Malaysia. It what’s the public need and to stay healthy during our old age. Hopefully, you can provide a complete care for both Minds (Hearts) and Body.

For example, we can provide good reading and good audio plus visual for our elderly, rooms with headphones.

Hope to See you soon at Harmony Hills.

Best Regards
Steven 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽



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