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Hiring Seniors back into the workforce - a boon


当我第一次决定加入这个新企业时,第一次被 Hire.seniors 选中对我来说是一件新鲜事。这也是我第一次接触到为退休人员提供服务的企业。是的——身体健康、身体健康的退休人员可以做出很多贡献,并且是劳动力的宝贵资产。我认为这是一个好主意,并正在等待适合我的资历和经验的工作出现的机会。几个月后,一家高品质老年护理和医疗技术以及医疗保健产品和服务的分销商公司需要一个文案职位空缺。面试后,我得到了 iElder.asia 文案的职位。






IT 行业和数字化的快速发展对老一代人来说是一个劣势,因为他们不太懂技术。然而,如果接受正确的再培训,老年人可以足够快地适应变化。作为一名退休人员,学习和进入在线领域对我来说是令人兴奋的,因为这些都是新举措。在我们快节奏的生活中,学习新事物是永无止境的,因为这可以让我们保持“年轻”,并提供维持我们的自尊和自我价值所需的信心。


是的,对我们老年人来说,得到认可并有机会发挥自己的作用,让我们保持忙碌和积极性,同时仍然能创收,这对我们来说是一个很大的福音。特里玛·卡西雇用。前辈们为这群人着想,给了他们再就业。非常感谢 iElder.asia 给我机会成为他们旅程的一部分。

#iElder #SeniorsSpeak #HireSeniors #Elderly #Malaysia

上一篇文章 整体医疗保健的综合医学


Nazneen Ariff - 十月 14, 2021

I was lost during the pandemic, the center where I was serving was closed down, really was going into depression, but found Hire.Senior, that day was a turning point for me. I believe in one thing if you are capable, with passion,healthy, and hard working never stop. Age is just a number, we the seniors can still contributebour prior knowledge to the society. Well done. Hire.Seniors.

Richard Neoh - 七月 30, 2021

I am a 75- year old pensioner (teacher /MoEdn official).

I am looking for a few fully retired seniors who possess computer programming skills to help me create (online, part time basis- no hurry) a simple digital platform to provide ONLINE one-to-one tutorship for students, & others, either free /sponsored, or at nominal tuition fees.

I will provide the needed investment for this semi-charity project, including remuneration for seniors.

My own ground floor office premise in Old Klang Road is available for contributors meetings when Covid-19 situation returns to near normal.

Can you help?

Richard Neoh

Nandini - 七月 30, 2021

You have brought up some very relevant & positive points regarding harnessing the wisdom & experience of senior people who have very good expertise in various fields of life.

Puan Sri TD Ampikaipakan - 七月 30, 2021

Great write up and even greater fir seniors who are healthy , and still can give the young ones a run for their money. The seniors have brains, experience, good manners ( which is seriously lacking in the youth of today) and can still be productive for the country. This is a wonderful enterprise for seniors.

Tommy - 七月 30, 2021

This a great initiative. I agree with Mala that many seniors are still very capable of contributing effectively to the economy and society…

Well done..Hire.seniors and ielder



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  • [October 2023 Event] Living Your Golden Years: Contribution & Resilience of Older Women in a Changing World
    九月 13, 2023

    [2023 年 10 月活动] 度过你的黄金岁月:老年妇女在不断变化的世界中的贡献和韧性

    庆祝国际老年人日! 感谢老年媒体协会 (TAMA) 认可老年妇女在我们的家庭和社区中做出的令人难以置信的贡献。他们的培育精神和坚定不移的支持激励着我们所有人! 向 TAMA(又名《老年杂志》)致敬,感谢“活出你的黄金岁月”论坛取得的巨大成功。这是对当今充满活力的世界中老年女性坚韧不拔的致敬! 这次聚会的主要目的是向单身母亲和其他边缘化妇女提供支持,并于 10 月 21 日在吉隆坡奥克伍德酒店阐明她们在我国面临的挑战。这是您不想错过的活动! 😃 iElder 很高兴能够参加今天在奥克伍德酒店举行的有意义的会议。感谢您参观我们的展位,探索尖端的老年护理辅助技术。让我们一起产生积极的影响! #iElder #GoldenYearsCelebration #SeniorCareTech #InspirationInAging



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