Nursing Anne (Non SimPad Capable) | Laerdal
Product Features
What’s included
- Full-body Female Manikin (SimPad capable) (1)
- Articulating IV Training Arm (1)
- Hospital gown (1)
- Male Genitalia (1)
- Female Genitalia (1)
- Urinary Valves (3)
- Anal Valves (3)
- Simulated Blood Concentrate (1)
- Syringe 100 cc (1)
- Direction for Use (1)
Product highlights
- Basic Patient Care and Handling
- Catheterization
- Drug and IV administration
- Tracheostomy and Oxygen Therapy
- Measurement of noninvasive blood pressure
- Auscultation and recognition of normal and abnormal heart, lung and bowel sounds
- Wound Assessment and Care
Size & weight
Length: 170 cm / 66.9 in
Weight: 31.75 kg / 70 lbs
Efficient, Flexible and Effective Clinical Trainer
A manikin designed for scenario-based training for the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital patients.
Nursing Scenarios from Industry Leaders
Integrate pre-programed simulation content designed to provide participants with deliberate clinical training with a focus on specific learning objectives, geared toward women’s health.
Building Competencies
Nursing Anne is educationally effective for clinical training targeting key skills from basic patient care to advanced nursing necessary for in-hospital patient care. This flexible manikin platform allows multiple accessory modules to be added including trauma, NBC module, and bleeding control for use in multiple settings.
Improving Patient Safety
The challenge to deliver continuous and consistent quality patient care requires proper training, accurate assessments, interventions and clinical decision-making skills to ensure the best patient outcomes. By incorporating consistent simulation scenarios available on SimStore, instructors can easily integrate simulation into their clinical training curriculums helping learners make and correct their clinical errors without adverse consequences.
Nursing Anne Features:
NG tube insertion care, medication administration and removal; gastric lavage and gavage.
Tracheostomy care and tracheal suctioning.
Articulating the IV training arm allows peripheral intravenous therapy with IV bolus or push injection. Venipuncture is possible in the antecubital fossa or dorsum of the hand.
Optional mastectomy Modules can be used to practice postsurgical mastectomy care procedures.
Interchangeable genitalia with connectors & urinary and colon reservoirs facilitate urologic care procedures and gastrointestinal procedures.
The Wound Care and Assessment Set can be added to the Nursing Anne manikin simulator for realism in wound assessment and patient care scenarios.
Making Simulation Easier with the SimPad® PLUS System
Nursing Anne operated via the SimPad PLUS System will improve your ability to deliver highly effective simulation-based training and achieve your learning objectives.
SimPad PLUS System features:
- Handheld, intuitive touchscreen remote for easy 'pick up and play' experience
- Operate on-the-fly or utilize Scenarios and Themes for consistent simulation training
- Optimal data capture for quality debriefing
- Mobile - teach anywhere
- Optional patient monitor provides clinical realism
Patient Care
- Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea, and oesophagus, along with simulated lungs and stomach, allow the practice of many procedures.
- Irrigation of the eye and ear (simulated)
- Application/instillation of medications in the eye, ear and nose including nasal packing
- Mouth and denture care procedures
- Insertion and suctioning of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
- Insertion, securing, and care of endotracheal tubes
- Tracheostomy care and tracheal suctioning
- Various oxygen delivery procedures
- NG tube insertion, care, medication administration, and removal
- Gastric lavage and gavage
- Subclavian, jejunostomy and Hickman catheter openings (placement only)
- Manually generated carotid pulse
- Deltoid, dorsogluteal, and vastus lateralis IM injections are possible
- Full range of motion for realistic patient handling
- Interchangeable stomas depict colostomy, ileostomy and suprapubic cystotomy
- A colostomy may be irrigated and will retain an indwelling catheter
- Fingers and toes are spread to allow bandaging
Interchangeable Male and Female Genitalia
- Complete urinary catheterization
- Can be attached to urinary and colon reservoirs via connector valves
- Female genitalia capable of vaginal douching
- Will retain the indwelling or straight catheter
- Enema procedures may be performed using fluid for a realistic return
- When used with a manikin, fluid may be used for a realistic return
- Urinary valves give the natural resistance felt when catheterizing
- Anal valves simulate the internal anal sphincter
Circulatory Skills and IV Drug Administration
- Articulating an IV training arm with replaceable skin and an infusible vein system allows peripheral intravenous therapy and site care.
- Venipuncture is possible in the antecubital fossa and dorsum of the hand
- Accessible veins include median, basilic and cephalic
SimPad® Capabilities (sold separately)
- Heart sounds synchronized with programmable ECG
- Auscultated lung sounds synchronized with breathing rate, 0 - 60 BPM
- Individual lung or bilateral sound selection
- Normal or abnormal bowel sounds
- Vocal sounds – computer-generated sounds, mixed with voice input (via microphone sold separately)
Heart Sounds
Synchronized with programmable ECG
- Aortic Stenosis
- Friction Rub
- Austin Flint Murmur
- Diastolic Murmur Mi Stenosis
- Systolic Murmur
- Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Normal Heart Sounds – Apex
- Opening Snap Msec
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Atrial Septal Defect
- Pulmonary Stenosis
- Stills Murmur
- Normal Heart Sounds
Lung Sounds
Synchronized with breathing rate, 0 – 60 bpm
Individual lung or bilateral sound selection
- Coarse Crackles
- Fine Crackles
- Normal Breath Sounds
- Pneumonia
- Stridor
- Wheeze
- Pleural Rub
- Rhonchi
Bowel Sounds
Normal and abnormal bowel sounds
- Borborygmus
- Fetal Tones
- Hyperactive Bowel
- Hypoactive Bowel
- Normal Bowel
Vocal Sounds
Computer-generated sounds, mixed with voice input (via microphone sold separately)
- Cough
- Vomit
- Moan
- Scream
- SOB Breathing
- Yes
- No
- Hiccup (infant)
- Cry (infant)
Blood Pressure / Pulses
- Articulating blood pressure arm for auscultated and palpated blood pressure simulation
- Korotkoff sounds synchronized with ECG
- Korotkoff sounds volume control in 10 steps, 0-9
- Systolic and diastolic pressure may be set individually in steps of 2mmHG
- Systolic 0-300mmHG, Diastolic 0-300 mmHG
- Auscultatory Gap, with on/off feature
- Pressure accuracy +/- 2mmHG
- Calibrate function to adjust pressure sensor and cuff gauge
- The palpated pulse simulator controls brachial and radial pulses
- Pulses only active when palpatedPulses synchronized with programmable ECG
- Pulse strengths dependent on Blood Pressure
Breast Exam Module (Optional)
- Facilitates training in the recognition of breast disorders, sizes of nodules and relative locations by simulating multiple abnormalities found during breast examinations
- Normal anatomy of the female breasts
- Interchangeable abnormalities such as:
- Fibroadenoma, cyst, solid lump/mass
Mastectomy Module (Optional)
- Normal anatomy of a postoperative left total mastectomy
- The surgical area skin closed with staples
- Drain tube placed just under the skin
Fundus Skills and Assessment Module (Optional)
- Normal anatomy of the status-post or post-partum female abdomen designed for training fundus assessment and massage skills
- Realistic landmark of the symphysis pubis
- Interchangeable uteri: Approximately a 3” diameter ball to simulate a firm well-contracted uterus and a softer 4” ball to simulate a “boggy” uterus that is not contracted
- Umbilicus
- Fundus offset secondary to bladder distention
- Anal haemorrhoids visible
- 2nd-degree midline episiotomy
- Genitalia is elongated with swelling to the clitoral area
- The vaginal orifice is more visible and opened
- Labium minus more flapped to expose the vaginal canal
Wound Assessment & Care Modules (Optional)
- The abdominal incision module with painted sutures may be interchanged with a blank module in the manikin’s abdomen.
- Surgical closure simulated
- Suitable for teaching suture care and dressing
- Abdominal incision modules with staples and Penrose drain
- Abdominal incision modules with nylon sutures and Penrose drain
- The abdominal packing and irrigation module may be interchanged with the blank module in the manikin’s abdomen
- Wound separation exposes a layer of subcutaneous fat
- Suitable for wet or dry packing and wound irrigation
- Abdominal subcutaneous heparin and insulin injection module
- Surgical belly plate with interchangeable stoma sites
- Infected colostomy stoma may be interchanged with a normal stoma in a surgical belly plate, irrigation is possible
- Ventrogluteal and gluteal decubitus ulcer modules may be interchanged with a ventrolateral injection pad
- Reddish and cyanotic blue-grey appearance
- Break in the skin exposing soft tissue
- Suitable for pressure ulcer staging, cleaning and dressing
- Below-knee amputation stumps for stump care including wrapping and condition
- Thigh packing and irrigation module may be interchanged with injection pads in manikin’s thigh
- Wound separation exposes a layer of subcutaneous fat
- Suitable for wet or dry packing and wound irrigation
- Thigh suture and debridement modules may be interchanged with injection pads in manikin’s thigh
- Surgical closure made with nylon sutures
- Suitable for teaching suture care and dressing
- Varicose vein leg with stasis ulcer
- Diabetic foot module may be articulated to manikin at the ankle
- Gangrenous toes
- Heel decubitus ulcer
Features and Benefits
Product Specifications
Shipping & Installation